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During this season of bright lights and holiday festivities, it can be hard to remember that we are simultaneously entering the darkest time of the year. The winter solstice is the shortest day of the year with the longest night. The season’s themes are reflection, rest and renewal.
Family, friends, decorating, gifting and parties, can bring us great joy! They also create loaded to-do-lists, sensory stimulation and overwhelm — especially for mothers. This depletes our immune system. Taking time to pause, unplug and choose activities that nourish the soul is a tall order this time of year.
Yoga practice at home (with or without the kids) brings a sweet balance between holiday lights and introspective dimness.
Maintaining this balance takes discipline and self-love. That’s what a yoga lifestyle is about...Not to escape from the world, but a set of proven practices to fine-tune our presence in the world. When we make that difference inwardly, we make a difference outwardly. Building a regular practice becomes your secret serenity to recharge and start again. And again.
In continued turbulent times the wonderful holidays remind us of how blessed we are to enjoy comforts we often take for granted. Let us lift humanity and become something better. Opening our hearts to love one another and to diminish the fear that creates separation and suffering. Let’s begin this in our homes now — and always.
P.S. There’s still time to donate to the diaper drive benefiting Homeless Prenatal Program. You may also want to bring yoga into your home with private classes and Warrior training.